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Comunicazioni agli iscritti

Opportunità in sede EPO

Probably you have already heard about the Praktika Intern  programme organised by the European Patent Academy.

This tailor-made internship and training programme for professional representatives offers the great chance to spend three weeks at the EPO and to discover the world from the other side of the file.

The three programme modules aredesigned for participants with different levels of knowledge and experience. The target group includes candidates preparing for the European qualifying examination (EQE) as well as professional representatives working in private practice or industry.

We would be happy if a lot of patent professionals in all the EPC contracting states could benefit from the practical experiences offered by this programme. 

Please find heresome information regarding the internship and training programme as well as the link to the registration (on the bottom of the announcement of the programme). The deadline for application is 31 January 2013.

If you have any questions regarding the programme please contact :

Anna Schmieden
Consultant Professional Representatives | Dir.
European Patent Academy
European Patent Office
Erhardtstr. 27 | 80469 Munich | Germany
Tel. +49 89 2399 5425




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